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Senin, 09 Januari 2012

About San Francisco

City of San Francisco is the fourth most populous city in California and the 12th most populous city in the United States, with a population in 2009 estimated 815,358 people, covering a land area of ​​46.7 square miles (1.210 km2), with a density of 17,323 persons / mi ² (6,688.4 people / km ²). This is the most densely big city (population over 200,000) in California and the second most populous city in the United States. San Francisco has a population of 7 million more, and a financial center, cultural, and transportation.

In 1776, the Spanish founded the fort at the Golden Gate. Pushing the city into a period of rapid growth, population increase within one year from 1,000 to 25,000 souls, thus changing the San Francisco became the largest city on the West Coast at the time. After three-quarters of the city was destroyed by the 1906 earthquake and fire, San Francisco was quickly rebuilt. During World War II, San Francisco was the port of embarkation for service members shipping to the Pacific Theater.

Today, San Francisco is a popular international tourist destination renowned for its cool summer fog, steep rolling hills, eclectic mix of Victorian and modern architecture and famous landmarks, including the Golden Gate Bridge, the city tram system, and Chinatown. The city is also a major center of banking and finance, and home to exceed than 30 international financial institutions that helped put San Francisco on the 18th in a list of the world's top producer, to-9 in the United States, and the 15 in the list 20 financial centers in the world.

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