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Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Food Glorious Food: The Ferry Building Marketplace

Next to New York, many gastronome’s cite San Francisco as North America’s great foodie city. The arguments are strong: its long history of immigration have bestowed a wide variety of influences on local cuisine, it’s the birthplace of the organic food movement and in close proximity to the famed Napa Valley wine country.

Although you are spoilt for dining out choices in San Francisco, you may like to buy some fresh produce and cook up a meal in your holiday apartment. One of the best places to shop for fresh food, for both locals and visitors alike, is the Ferry Building at the foot of Market Street on the edge of the water.

A local landmark, the Ferry Building has been the main transit hub for San Francisco ever since it opened in 1898. Curiously, its 245-foot tall clock tower was modeled after the famous Giralda in Seville, Spain and quickly became a welcoming symbol of the city of San Francisco. At the terminal’s peak, around 50,00 ferry passengers arrived daily, passing through an elegant arched reception hall before entering into the city of the Golden Gate.

In 2003, the Ferry Building received an extensive makeover, putting some spit and polish on its gracious Victorian form. Unlike other major ferry and port buildings across the world, the Ferry Building has retained its original function; it’s still the transit hub that connects all of San Francisco’s neighbourhoods and the surrounding bay communities. (If not travelling here by ferry, take the historic Line F trolley car, which stops right outside the front door).

The Ferry Building Marketplace offers a great selection of farmer’s produce, gourmet specialties, prepared foods and fresh meat and fish. Whether its some fresh pasta and sauce you can ‘assemble’ back at home or the ingredients for a classic San Franciscan dish such as Crab Louis Salad, you’ll find it here — in surroundings that are a true slice of the city’s history.

** The Ferry Building is open daily, though many stalls in the marketplace are closed on Mondays.

Since 2006 Holiday Velvet offers San Francisco accommodation.

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